Sponsorship opportunities

Sponsorship| Partnership

We are interested in partnering with influencers, industry leaders, companies, employers and brands to educate and support our community of professional women to build the career and lifestyle they want.

We would like to connect with other organizations to become sponsors with our mission to action.

As a Speaker Sponsor, you can sponsor one of our virtual events or host your own virtual event for Women Inspired Now Network.

We provide sponsorship levels, which are Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond and platinum, during our events and yearly professional business summit.


Platinum Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor Company Membership: $5,000

· Ten complimentary seats at each event; 

· Host two luncheon events and two virtual events per year;

· Host a Breakout Room/Marketing booth at your host station;

· Your company logo and website link on WINN website home and sponsor pages for one year;

· Sponsorship of an WINN social event/or your own WINN event;

· Ability to promote your company's events on WINN's website and social media platforms;

· Attend one WINN Board meeting.

Click here to sponsor

Diamond Sponsor


Diamond Sponsor Company Membership: $2,000

· Five complimentary seats at each event; 

· Host one luncheon event and one virtual event per year;

· Host a Breakout Room/Marketing booth at your host station;

· Your company logo and website link on WINN website home and sponsor pages for one year;

· Sponsorship of an WINN social event/or your own WINN event;

· Ability to promote your company's events on WINN's website and social media platforms.

Click here to sponsor



Gold Sponsor


 Gold Sponsor Company Membership: $1,000

· Three complimentary seats at each event; 

· Host one luncheon event per year;

· Breakout Room/Marketing booth at hosted event;

· One sponsorship of WINN social event;

· Your company logo and link to your website on WINN's Home and Sponsor pages for one year.

Click here to sponsor



Silver Sponsor


 Silver Sponsor Company Membership: $500

· One ten-minute spotlight at an WINN virtual event;

· Two Complimentary seats at each luncheon events; 

· Two Complimentary seats at a hosted event per year;

· Your company logo and website link on WINN's website Sponsor page for one year.

Click here to sponsor



Bronze Sponsor


Bronze Sponsor Company Membership: $250

· One five-minute spotlight at an WINN virtual event;

·  One Complimentary seat at each luncheon event; 

· One Complimentary seat at the summit event per year;

· Your company logo and website link on WINN's  website Sponsor page for one year.

Click here to sponsor